Thursday, July 17, 2008

It must be Thrursday

Because I'm done !!!! Yeup unemployed again!!
I sent Earl's little yipper dawgs over to Marge's to wake her up. Nah I didn't put Marge to sleep. To tell you the truth she asked me to make sure the guys that where working on her roof did a good job and didn't rip her off. I'm a big fan of Karma. A really big fan. It's the whole golden rule thing I guess. Maybe thats the reason my little tally's been so lonely lately. I just can't lie. Fib yes, lie no. It's all good cause in the morning when I look in the mirror I'm OK with the guy staring back. And that's what keeps the pearly gates well oiled. So right..... off to the boat I go.. Have an unbelievable week end!!
PS I have to go to school on Monday. I sure hope I don't have to spell anything. Oh godd.
I can build anything.. just not a sentence.

1 comment:

Margarita Mirasol said...

I am soooooooooooooo outtta here tomorrow.
All the teachers in this small teachers room keep asking the obvious, 'When are you leaving?'
They already know the answer but they ask cos they can't believe I take the summer off.
I never ask. I just take it.
Ha ha ha ha.
Fuck working in the summer.
If I ask, 'Do you want me to stay?'
they will say yes and give me some crap job to do.
Wanna know how many days the Japanese give themselves as teachers in the summer. Um, hang on, let me check, their longest stint in the summer of free days, albeit the BORING AS FUCK school trip for the teachers - an overnight thing - is held during those free days, is uh, 6 days.
6 fucking days out of 7 weeks.
Sorry, but arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't they realise that the best learning happens during free time????
And still the kids are thick as shit and struggling to enter uni. I mean, with all the study they do, 4 days a week during the summer, uh, they should all be going to Harvard.
I am so outta here FOREVER come March.
Stupid bloody country of martyrs.
Rant over.