Friday, December 28, 2007


And again I find myself at the beach. It's my drug of choice. As much as I dislike the crowds traffic and rush rush of San Diego, There are few places nicer. I mean it's December and the beach has it still going on. Not like the summer masses but more the local feel. Winter here is the best short pants and fewer beach crowds. This is the time of year you meet the true local beach folks. In the summer ya don't meet as many people cause there are sooooo many of them.

In the winter you meet the salt of the earth beach lovers, the ones that come out even when it's cold and rainy. It's the drug of choice for many here thats why we put up with high rents and summer time beach madness. Oh and yeup we get some really nice winter swells, and more offshore mornings. Oh sure the waters 64 but nothing a 3 mil cant handle. I was lucky enough to live up in Humbolt for 12 years and was turned on to the surf up there. Holly sheet ya wana talk facking cold !! The waves rock up north it always seamed big (real big) and lonely and beautiful. And we had the beach junkies there too, The real beach junkies snow on the sand and every thing. Keep in mind you can drive on the beach there and build bonfires without fire rings!! Then again it was only the hardcore beach junkies and the law never hit the beach no one cared. We did what we felt like doing with out any beach babysitters. It was grand and to my knowledge it's still there we didnt ruin it at all. To bad I couldn't make a legal living and have a decent tan there. I'd still be north.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather trunk it all year long and soon enough I'll set sail and chase summer until I catch it and hold it in my hands. As long as I can smell the salt in the air I guess it'll all be good.

1 comment:

Margarita Mirasol said...

There's no stoppin' you with this blogging, is there!
He he he.