Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ahh darn

Got the call today. I have to move Libby to "THE WALL"

Damn , It's like sittin in a fish bowl cause all the tourist just walk along looking right down in your cockpity. Looks like the leopord skin boxer shorts will have to stay away for a bit. The girl that runs my spot sadi she'll get me back outside as soon as possible. She's realy cool and I hope it happen soon. It allways blow right at the wall too and my boat dont like to stop or revesrse maken it even more of a bumstickler.

Lookin on the bright side Im gona put a sign and a can out maybe make some spare change while Im there. I'll drink for money or something.


Jolea said...

"Will Schoon for booze"

I guess you don't really "schoon" though... what rig is your boat?

replace "schoon" with that...

just my 2 cents.

Markitos said...

she's a slooooooop
It just doesn't rime. I will cruze for buze any day