Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sq. Inch's

As folks that live on small boats know it's not Sq. Ft. It's inch's. I woke this morning feeling kinda cramped up. Looking around I was like humm looks normal. But after further investigation. Yes there was a beer can 9 sq.in. and the laundry bag was out another 225 sq. in. An empty pizza box 144 sq.in. I think you get the picture. I live in hummm....23328 sq.in. That's around humm....yeup 162 sq.ft. Cough..whooa!! Lets count the dingy. That add's humm ......32 sq.ft or 4608 sq.in. To make a long story short the dink is gona carry out about 600 sq.in. of junk that has gathered up.
People on boats are always giving stuff away.. Hey dude ya want this.....huh nah, thanks .. how bout this ....only 7 sq.in.'s!! Hummm let me think about it...
My house was about 2000 sq.ft. that's a whole bunch of inch's. And it was packed!! Talk about a life change. Amazing how much stuff ya really don't need.
You would think with less Sq.In.'s it would be easier to keep clean. Well one missed placed pot or plate and whamo it's a mess!!
I love it!! Talk about going green, off the grid ,tiny foot prints and all that stuff. G's the world doesn't even know I'm here. Well in a way I'm not even on the earth so that's even more space for folks on land. Wow I feel good doing all this for humanity!! Nah it's a selfish act and I know it. I'm the Dictator of my Island!!
Just kidden.... the "Dictator" has to go do laundry and fold it really tight......Sq.in's. ya know.


Hotspringswizard said...

You keep a clean ship there Mark! I lived for a time in various small travel trailers and was quite content with the simple life it offered. When I first met Darcy in 1993 was one of these times. Had my two solar panels on the roof for power. Took wash cloth baths courtesy of a pot of hot water. Was entertained by my 12 volt TV and Boom Box. Nice thing, nothing was ever many steps away in my little comfy domicile :-) And like you mentioned, we really don't need that much stuff to keep us happy. On another note, I decide to go to Burning Man this year after all. I actually had a dream about Burning Man a couple of weeks ago, and in the dream I was thinking to myself that I wasn't going to Burning man, but then in the dream I ended up finding myself there after all, and I was quite elated. Well I couldn't resist, had to make the dream come true :-) Don't know if your going to make it there this year Mark but if so I camp on the outer most ring of Black Rock City in an area referred to as the " walk in zone " or something close to that. People can put there tents out in an expansive area where no vehicles are allowed to go. There is a road that goes from this ring to the Black Rock City Airport. I park on the outer ring as close a spot I can get to that road. I'll be driving our green mini van and I'll put one of my little clay head sculptures in the car window that you can see to indentify my vehicle. Tickets are still on sale online till August 28th at midnight. Price is at the fifth level, $300 right now, and the burningman.com website also says there will be ticket sales once again this year at the gate for $360. The gate sales usually go for a set amount of day then stop so you can find this out at the BM website. The online tickets purchased online at this point are to be picked up ( will call ) at the gate entry box office. Maybe I'll see ya there. I know you would have a fantastic time :-)

Hotspringswizard said...

Oh yeah, like it says at the top of your blog, " spelling doesn't count ". I agree :-) Also in my world proofreading doesn't count either, or more acurately put, doesn't work for me, as evidenced in my post above ( there/their, and, online tickets purchased online ). I think everyone clearly understands now that you can purchase online tickets, online :-) Funny how some nitwits at many of these web blogs and other websites just go bonkers when you get the grammer stuff wrong! Just makes me laugh :-)

Markitos said...

Van! I've got my tickets!!! Very excited!!Im going to head to the montains this weekend and start my trip. It will be weird to sleep on solid ground and smell tree again.
And hummm Van....Huh... I made like 100 markitos style heads as gifts.... allways nice to give your freinds a little head. See Idle Hands November 29 2007 It'll be great to have some one there. Ill be in the truck with a house on top.

Hotspringswizard said...

Glad to here your going :-) When I went to Burning Man the first time and saw the place it was just amazing. I'm sure you will have a blast!

So you got " tickets ". Are you going with a friend/friends or did you mean you have a ticket? Thats cool you made all those heads. People gift quite commonly at Burning Man. I'll look for that idle hands entry of yours to see what they look like.

Burning Man is incredibly big, and I don't cruise most parts of the camping rings in the city because of this. The first year I thought I'd check out all the streets for fun. I did two full rings of the city which took a good while. There are about nine rings from outside to inside. All kinds of theme camps and other smaller camps.

Anyway I most likely would not just happen on to your truck because of this, so since I've told you where I'm at ( pretty specifcally ), maybe if you get out that way, say like your going to check out the Black Rock City airport, you could leave a note on my window of your where-a-bouts, direction, street names. I'm thinking I'll leave a note in the front windshield with " Hello Mark " on it so you would know you have the right green minivan :-)

I spend alot of time at Center Camp so you might very well run into me there. Look for the tan naturist dude. Your in for a great adventure and I'm excited for you.

Also I want to remind you to remember that little lake which is about 15 miles down the road out of Gerlach to the north ( Burning man is out of Gerlach nine miles to the east ). You will most likely be coming up HWY 84 from the south to Gerlach. If there is a knarly dust storm brewing or a giant line when you get there that lake is a great spot to take a swim and spend time till things settle down. As of last year the private property owner of the lake and surounding land let the public camp there as long as they followed the rules on his sign at the entrance gate. There was no fee.

I'm leaving on Sunday morning the 30th and will stay overnight at that lake when I arrive in the area late in the day. I'll then head to Burning Man early Monday morning when it starts. The BM gates open 12 midnight early monday. Hope to see ya out there :-)

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Interesting post. I am currently living in one room + kitchen + bathroom to get me used to living in a smaller space. When I sell the house it won't be such a shock living on a boat. At least, that's the theory :-/