Thursday, November 26, 2009


I woke this morning. Going SHIT!! Man I need some work ...what day is it?? Shit I gotta get off this boat!! Then it dawned on me it's Thanks Giving day. Here in the Ole USA we all get together with family and Friends to thank each other for all the good stuff in our lives.
So I laid back down and relaxed and thought about it a bit.
I'm the luckiest man alive!! I mean come on !! Ive raised a good kid. Iv'e had the best wife. I have the coolest brothers and sister. Parents that taught me how to be independent. Some really great friends. I have done heaps of crazy things and I'm still alive and not in jail. I have 6 eggs and a bag of bagels. Life is good!!
Yesterday I fixed my halyards and went for a bay sail. One brother was following me out in his boat. The other was heading back in on his! I mean come on !! How cool is that!! I wouldn't have been surprised if my sister and her family came sailing by either.
I mean this morning there is no dew on my dink that means no wet butt today. G's all I have to do is look around. I should be this thankful every day!!
Peace everyone, Happy give thanks day

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