Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It's been cloudy for a few days. Crazy how that can affect your life huh? Well ya better get used to it. You are living on sunshine baby!!!!. I mean..... huh... turn on San Onfre. That's what we need more power ...........Scotty!!! So yea I turned Jenny on...

OK I cheat,... Sheeesh gim'me a break!! Although I do have to say this little boat hasn't used outside power since June. That's pretty cool. If I do say myself .


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

One of the (many) things that appeal to me about living on a boat is the ability to live off-grid and be pretty much self-sufficient (apart from having to buy food and diesel). I can't wait.

Samantha said...

not bad. we wouldn't have used power either, if it wasn't for that wicked reefer that kept sucking our solar dry. i'd rather go hungry than use power :)

Markitos said...

I don't know about that Sam.
The guy that has cold cheese has a lot to offer. Keep the fridge.