Monday, June 29, 2009

On the dock

Ive been off dock for a year with out tieing up except to get gas or pump poo. Last week I picked up what I thought was gona be a 65 watt solar panel and all the junk that goes with it. After a few minutes with a slick willy used car sales man I'm the proud owner of "2" 65 watt solar panels. sheeesh. The funny thing was a friend and I where hanging out the other night listening to music reading the paper and haven all kinds of fun. And the solar panels where just laying on the deck. Ha we were like what the hell do I need all that juice for? Now I'm tied to the "Cop Dock" Hooking them up and cleaning Lill Libby up. Im even plugged in the the land!! And all I have going is this thing and a light bulb. Guess I need to buy some stuff to run off all this power I'm gona have. A lill fridge would be kind cool. pardon the pun. Tiny itsy bitsy foot prints. I think boaters should get a rebate on their taxes or something. Another neato thing is I saw a boat that belongs to an other boater blogger. Just back from Mex. I'll introduce myself to Meerkat manana.


Samantha said...

hey! i've been following meerkat but i have no idea who they are! haha. so your on the dock? is justin there, too? cheers, fellas!

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Hey! So you've been out there havin' fun ALL this time?! Too cool!

Keep up the good work ;-)

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

I like being neato! Great to meet you Markitos! I love this small world we live in. So did you meet any chicks the other night???

That's ok that Samantha doesn't know who we are, Markitos didn't either until he came and introduced himself.

Markitos said...

Meerkat LOL nah Im the "wingman".
My amigo did pretty go though !!! And it was great to meet you guys to, It was neato !!

Markitos said...

OE haaha yea I guess I have! Snag a ticket come on over the pond for a BBq.