Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another day

First off I need to say I'm sorry to someone that has really a bad Karma rating right now.
I tempted them with just to much to turn down. I'm talking about my 10 dollar bike.

Yes it is a sweetie and I guess they just couldn't resist taking the front tire. Shame on me for such temptations. So now my 10 dollar bike is a 50 dollar bike. Nice! I was forced into this upgrade and I think this new tire doesn't need air ever few days. Ya need a bike around here driving is silly.

Second I tried in vain to rebuild and upgrade the "pink" camera. Hahaha I'd have to be micro to be small enough to crawl into it and get to the goods. My hands are just not made to work on tiny little things. So I had to upgrade to a different camera. I got one like the one that got ripped off in TJ.

I need a camera cause I'm unemployed again and have a little time on my hands before the next job starts up. So ya never know hat may need picture taken.


Samantha said...

i definitely need to get a bike when i get back. we should start a biker gang.

Markitos said...

Yea we can have a realy tough guy/girl biker club. Maybe even matching beer holders!!