Monday, July 7, 2008

So confusing

Yea baby yea the fire works in San Diego bay just rocked the freaking house !!! Sitting on boats rights under them with the Captian Morgans flowing and the tunes blasting !! Oh my, What a great show. There was like 5 different shows going at once all choreographed and I could see em all !! I wonder what went a rie. I'll never figure out the opposites. Thank god I'm really not looking or my little ole beater would have been in the dumpster. Yea but alas another day has come and it rocked as well, sun came up breeze filtered in birds dogs kids ya know one of those days when ya look around and just have to tell your self yeup it's all good. No sense losing to many days too unhappiness. HAAHA Still no camera.... Been playing to much.... Maybe I can just jam this firewire thingy in my ear and download from that?


Beq said...

It sounds incredible.

I love times like those...

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Dude! Thanks for stopping by and for the comments. You seem to live a great life out there. I just need the housing market to pick up in the UK and I'm outta here :-)

Markitos said...

Beq, everyday is a rippen day. Unless I muck it up haha I do a good job of that..
Ocean Im sittin on a house too. I feel so trapped I could toss lunch some times. However right now The reggae is blasting Captians in the cup and Im gona shower and poop on real porsline. Thats some times a dream on my boat.
Thanks for droppin by guys. M.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Markitos that's funny - you have a way with words :-)